Tips on How to Keep Your Cats Indoors

Tips on How to Keep Your Cats Indoors

Photo by Amigo Eugenito on Unsplash

Cats are naturally curious and playful. However, we should not allow our cats to roam the house on their own. They can injure themselves or get into a fight with another animal. They can also come in contact with dangerous substances, such as pesticides or rat poison. But how do you keep the cat indoors?

Cats spend most of their days outside of the house sleeping, eating, and hunting for prey. They are generally good at getting into trouble when they are outside.

If you want to keep your cat indoors, there are several ways you can do this.

No cat can say no to a cozy space

Cats love to nap and sleep. They enjoy sleeping in a warm, soft area where they can relax. This is your bargaining chip in keeping them indoor! Provide a conducive and cozy place for them to sleep and laze around. Remember to give them a place that is private and quiet. You might want to get them a blanket to keep them warm at night.

If you have multiple cats, you will want each one to have its own space. Make sure you have ample room for them to move around. Check the kitchen and other places if they can get into mischief. Make sure that they cannot knock into the kitchen appliances and cause damage. Households should usually provide adequate space for cats to play, sleep, eat, and travel around freely. This will help prevent the cat from getting bored and crave outdoor life.

Create an indoor cat playground

Make their indoor area a fun place to explore by scattering favorite toys around and hiding treats in their new space. Cats love to play and one of the reasons they wanted to go outside is to have fun. By providing more toys, they will get their exercise needs and there is no reason for them to be out. If you are super busy, try getting automated toys or even catnip toys for them to play with.

A good guideline is that the more interactive toys, the better. Cats love playing with things that make a noise and things that they can chase around. These types of toys will divert his or her attention from trying to hunt outside!

Cat toys are usually interactive and designed to be engaging for both humans and their pets. There are many different types of automated toys that you can get or make that your cat will love. Toys like a mouse or ball on a string will be very entertaining as they play with them around the house, while others like a laser-pointer may seem boring but it’s still fun because it moves randomly all over the room which keeps your cat engaged and entertained!

Give them love and attention

Most cats love the attention they receive from their owners. If you have a cat, then make sure you give them some love and attention every day. Cats need physical contact just like humans do. If your cat is not getting enough attention, it will try to get it from somewhere else (like the outdoors).

It is also important to find out why they love going outside. Is it because of fun? Or do they dislike something at home? I’ve heard stories about cats going to neighbors’ houses because they want to get out of loud noises or babies’ cries. if you manage to figure it out, try distracting your cats with toys or give them more hiding space indoor so they can hide out when they want to be alone.

Windows and higher grounds

If your cats love to go out, they might be looking for bigger space and higher grounds. Your home should have plenty of windows and things to keep the cat entertained, like climbing areas, cat trees, or scratching posts. These will make them feel like they are outdoors while they enjoy the confined space of your home.

If you happen to have an outdoor space, you might want to try building a cat enclosure. This will provide your cat the freedom of roaming around and staying in one place. You can also use certain forms of cat fences like kitty gates, which will allow the cat to travel freely without getting hurt. However, you must not forget to make the cat enclosure or fence escape-proof.

If you have a small place, then you can try DIY cat trees and furniture on your own. These are easy to make and you can get the materials from home handyman stores.

Routine, routine, routine

Cats are routine animals and once they get into one, it’s hard to change. Having a routine at home will keep them from going outside to wander around on their own. Similarly, once you let them out on a regular basis, they will take it as a routine to go out.

If you see them trying to get out of the house at a specific timing, try to arrange some playtime or snack time during that period. This way, they won’t be looking at the time as a cue to get out.

If they get out, immediately go after them. Don’t let them think that they can roam freely without you knowing. It will make things worse if they realize that you are not aware of where they’re going.

Leash up

If your cat really loves going outside. you might want to take them out for a walk on a leash. It’s best not to let them wander around freely because they can get injured or lost or might attack other animals.

There is always a risk when you bring them outside, even on a leash. It is recommended to only let your cat outside a few times a week. Other than making sure that your leash is escape-proof, it is important to avoid crowds or dog parks as much as possible.

No matter if you have an indoor cat or you let them outside once a while, microchip them. This is a long-lasting identification for your cat and can be done by taking them to any veterinarian. In case they ever get loose and are taken to the humane society or animal shelter, then you will be notified.

What are the benefits of an indoor cat?

Indoor cats who roam outside are nearly four times more likely to be killed by a car. A study in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery found that 63 out of every 100 cats who were killed or injured by vehicles were inside, even though they had been tagged or microchipped.

Letting your cats outdoor may also make them susceptible to many germs that make them more prone to illness. Outdoor cats may spread asthma, feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), and herpes zoster; cats who are inside can avoid these illnesses. Outdoor cats may also have more worms and parasites than indoor inhabitants.

Wandering cats can harm wildlife by killing birds and other small animals like insects. Even if a cat doesn’t hunt, they still prey on mice and rats in the garden.

Cats left outside can fall victim to attacks by other animals such as coyotes and birds of prey. Indoor cats are safe from this type of attack.

Indoor cats are more likely to be spayed or neutered, which reduces the chance of stray cats reproducing. Outdoor cats can have many kittens and therefore can reproduce more easily.

Cats that live indoors are free from the dangers of being attacked by other pets or wild animals, but indoor cats need similar exercise.

Are there any downsides to keeping a cat indoors all the time?

One downside is that indoor cats may not get the exercise they need to prevent obesity, which is a common problem for cat owners. Therefore it is essential to provide an indoor cat with some form of exercise. This needs to be accompanied by good nutritious food and fresh water at all times.

Another possible downside is that indoor cats may become bored if they are not provided with sufficient entertainment and playtime. It is important to take steps to keep your cat mentally stimulated by providing toys, interactive games, and activities.

Another downside to some people may be that indoor cats can scratch furniture, shoes, curtains, and other household items. Some owners may find this annoying. A simple solution is to provide scratching posts for your cats!

The positives of keeping your cats indoors are too many to let go of! It can be a more pleasant way of life for both cats and humans.

The tips provide a few ways to keep your cat safe and healthy. Keeping your cat indoors decreases the risk of being injured or killed, allows for longer life, and prevents disease and injury.


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