Multi-Cat Insurance: What You Need to Know

Multi-Cat Insurance: What You Need to Know

Photo by Yerlin Matu on Unsplash

Some may say that owning two (or more) cats is not much different than owning one. That’s true to some extent, but certainly not in terms of the dollars you spend. Yes, your cat will have company and you can definitely save yourself the time and effort of playing with and feeding your cats.

But if you have two cats, the cost of food, cat litter, vet fees, and grooming will double. And if you have more than one, they multiply! If you can afford it, I am 100% in favor of having more than one cat.

If you already have several cats at home, how do you cope with veterinary costs? They are usually hefty, and unexpected. If you are a cautious cat owner like me, I have sent my cats to the vet more often than I expected. After all, better safe than sorry. This is where multi-cat insurance can come in handy.

Multi-cat insurance is just like regular cat insurance, but it covers all of your cats under one policy. This type of insurance can be cheaper than insuring each cat separately. Many cat owners prefer to insure their pets under one policy since they are more convenient and cheaper.

If you own multiple cats, read on the find the more affordable way of insuring multiple cats for a low cost every month.

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Why is Multi-Cat Insurance Beneficial?

There are several reasons why multi-cat insurance is beneficial for cat owners. First, the obvious benefit of the insurance package is that it can save you money. It should be stated that each individual cat will have to meet certain conditions to become insured under one plan. These conditions vary from insurance provider to insurance provider. However, in many cases, cats must be in a decent health state and, in some cases, also be a certain age.

Save Money

The first thing to consider when thinking about multi-cat insurance is that you can save money by bundling your pets together into a single plan – up to 20% off, to be exact! If you own multiple cats, it’s almost always worth it to go with this type of package since cat owners who have numerous cats waste time and money by insuring their animals separately. 

With a multi-pet policy, you don’t have to worry about paying out separate claims for each animal either. Instead, they’re all covered under the same protection, so everything’s streamlined and hassle-free for everyone involved. In addition, multi-cat insurance also provides a built-in discount on the total monthly premiums you pay. Finally, pets that are covered under one plan can also get additional benefits for free!

Stay Organized

The safe choice is to get your cats covered together under one package since it will save everyone involved time and money in the long run. All of your pets can be insured together, so there’s no need for any complicated paperwork – everything stays streamlined to save time. In addition, with this type of protection, all of your furry friends will be insured by the same policy, so there’s no need to worry about paying out separate claims or forgetting to pay a bill.

Pawp Multi-Cat Insurance

If you have made it this far, you now know the advantages of multi-cat insurance plans and why it is so popular among cat owners with multiple cats. However, you may still be wondering where you can find such insurance plans. Thankfully, we have the solution for you!

What is Pawp?

Pawp is a digital clinic for pets that strive to provide affordable pet care that saves pet owners money. The team at Pawp is composed of experienced and certified veterinarians that are available around the clock to answer your pet-related questions without the need for expensive and unnecessary vet visits.

What is Pawp Emergency Fund?

The Pawp Emergency Fund system is used by thousands of pet owners across the United States to help avoid the stress of emergency vet bills. Any pet owner that has faced a pet emergency can tell you that something along the way did not go as planned. Thanks to the Pawp Emergency Fund system, you can put aside $3000 per year for your cats that will serve as a protection in case of any expected vet bills or emergency vet visits. The best part – this costs you only $24 per month to do, and Pawp covers emergency vet bills of up to $3000 per year!

How Does the Pawp Emergency Fund System Work?

Sure, the Pawp Emergency Fund System sounds helpful, but you may be wondering how exactly this all works. To help you understand how the innovative Emergency Fund Program works, we have divided the steps into sub-sections for your convenience.

Pay $24 Per Month

At Pawp, they offer affordable health care for pets because they are pet lovers! Their mission is to ensure that pet owners can take care of their dogs and cats, even in the worst of scenarios when emergencies come up! Unfortunately, not all vet trips are expected or foreseeable.

As you have read earlier in this article, Pawp can cover up to $3000 in unexpected emergency vet bills. Even better, all this protection costs only $288 per year, separated into payments of $24 per month. That’s right – $3000 of vet bill coverage for just a fraction of this number!

To get your cat protected, head on over to their 7-days trial page, where you can start your free trial!

Video Call a Pawp Vet

Once you are subscribed to the protection program, you are good to go! Pawp will be there to help whenever you need them in case of an emergency.

If ever your pet is in trouble, the first step is to video call a Pawp vet that will need to confirm the validity of the emergency and be there to support you and provide one-on-one advice directly on the video call.

Once the certified Pawp vet has confirmed that there is really an emergency, you can move to the next step!

Visit Any American Vet

The emergency has been confirmed, and it’s time to get the help you need! After speaking with a Pawp vet, you can visit any vet in the United States. However, it is crucial to remember that you will only have 4 hours to see a vet after speaking with a Pawp representative. Once you get to the vet, bring them in for the help they need, as usual!

Forwarding the Invoice

Once your pet has been treated, and the vet trip is over, Pawp will be eagerly waiting for the invoice. For this step, pet owners should ask the vet or receptionist to call their hotline where they will be able to reach one of the Pawp team that will pay the invoice so that you can be on your way!

Zero upfront cash!

After the vet forwards the invoice through Pawp’s hotline, Pawp will pay the entire bill in cases where the invoice total is under $3000 or up to $3000 in cases where the invoice total is higher.

With this easy-to-follow system, you will be able to ensure the vet is paid for their support immediately without leaving you any pending bills.

What Kind of Vet Bills Does Pawp Cover?

It is essential to understand what is covered by your insurance provider before proceeding to work with them. Thankfully, Pawp has a lot to offer when it comes to vet bill coverage. Here are the types of vet bills they cover:

  • Toxic ingestion;

  • Choking & difficulty breathing;

  • Life-threatening blockages;

  • Severe internal & external injuries.

What Kind of Vet Bills Does Pawp Not Cover?

Unfortunately, not everything can be covered. There are certain cases where Pawp will not be able to pay for your vet bills. Here they are:

  • Scheduled surgeries;

  • Regular checkups & wellness visits;

  • Vaccinations & routine procedures;

  • Pregnancy & pregnancy-related issues.

Why is Pawp Multi-Cat Insurance Better Than Competitors?

When reviewing the different insurance companies in the United States, I found Pawp to have the best coverage. I am personally a fan of the company’s mission. However, if you are still undecided, there are so many reasons American cat owners choose them over other cat insurance providers. So, here are a few reasons to consider Pawp when selecting the best cat insurance!

No Pet Age Restrictions

Unlike other pet insurance providers that are only willing to protect pets of certain ages, Pawp provides affordable insurance for pets of all ages! They will ask for your pet’s age to keep a record of it; however, this will not affect your eligibility for the multi-cat insurance program.

No Deductibles

Other pet insurance providers have turned your cat’s health into a game of nickel-and-dime. However, Pawp offers no annual deductibles. That means you won’t need to agree to pay any hidden fees out of pocket. Their process is straightforward and transparent for everyone to offer the most seamless and efficient multi-pet insurance package on the market.

24/7 Access to Experienced Vets

While other providers are only available at certain hours of the day and may even be unavailable over the weekend, Pawp knows that emergencies cannot wait. When a pet requires help, a vet should be available to assist them immediately. That is why they offer 24/7 certified veterinarian support.

No matter what time it is, Pawp’s team of experts is ready to answer the questions that you might have via video call at any time and provide you with professional advice.

How Many Cats Does Pawp Multi-Cat Insurance Cover?

Pawp’s multi-cat insurance program covers up to 6 cats per home while ensuring they are all protected in case of expected vet trips or emergencies. From kittens to senior cats, Pawp is your go-to multi-cat insurance solution.

With Pawp, you will not be able to use your emergency fund towards vet expenses until 14 days after registration. Therefore, Pawp will not cover any emergency at the time of signing up or any emergency that takes place within the 14 days following the date you registered with Pawp. No exceptions are made to this waiting period, regardless of the severity of the emergency.

How Much Do Pawp Cat Owners Save?

On average, Pawp customers save $360 per year that would not be saved with traditional insurance plans. Their plan is particularly beneficial for those with many pets at home. In addition, you can cover up to 6 pets for the same price, which means you can add pets to your insurance coverage at no additional cost! Pretty impressive, isn’t it?


When it comes to keeping your cats protected, there is no reason to invest a fortune. With proper multi-cat insurance from Pawp, you can ensure all of your cats are covered with the same protection for an affordable, transparent price. If you are are multi-cat family like us, remember to follow our blog by leaving your email below!


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